Monday, January 10, 2011

Black Watch Experience

I still don't know how I feel about theater. What I will say though, is I liked the varitey between the venues we have been too. I really liked how this one was so close to the actors and felt a lot more intimate. I feel awkward watching others in live performances, even in performance art 'installations.' However, I really enjoyed the idea of witnessing another perspective on war and from another culture. The accents were delightful in one way but hard to understand at times in another. I did really love the part when Campbell, I think was his last name, was walking the 'red carpet' and the whole cast was changing him as the past unfolded. I don't know how I felt about all the language. I do think some of it was great and necessary at times but I do think it may have been a bit too much at others. I really loved the humor in this play as well. This one was just a little harder to watch in a way because it takes place now rather then years ago and this will be part of my own past. I'm just glad it was more humor and performance than singing and sadness.

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