Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Whitechapel Gallery Experience - Gallery 1

This gallery was difficult to navigate in a way, maybe just in comparison to others we've been to. I was also upset that 3 out of their 8 galleries were closed due to installations. Big bummer. However, out of the galleries and shows that were up, I really enjoyed Mona Hatoum's piece and the show This Is Tomorrow. Mona's I liked the sound and how it created more of an environment throughout the whole room. I also liked how not each light bulb was set up the same; some would turn on and brighter while others stayed off, then visa versa. In This is Tomorrow, I enjoyed how this was a show at this gallery back in the 50's. I also really liked all the posters they had; the color palette and compositions. Overall though, not a huge fan. I felt there were more workers then visitors and that seems wrong to me.

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