Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tate Britain Experience

My experience of the Tate Britain was more of a first impression. We weren't there for very long and once we were in we headed straight for the Turner Prize exhibit. The entrance, at least the one we used, was very 'back door' I felt for a big museum like this. Maybe because I'm use to flashy entrances like The MET and Guggenheim. Either way, I did enjoy the architecture inside and out. It had large ceilings when first entering which always makes me feel so small and insignificant in a way. It did however seem like museums that I've been in before, particularly The MET. Nothing really struck me as fascinating or different. This could be for three reasons. 1- I was extremely tired coming off a 7 hour red eye flight, 2- The building wasn't that exciting or 3- Because we were only viewing one aspect of the museum, The Turner Prize. I look forward to going back and gaining an entirely different aspect of this museum.

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